vatican underground tunnels

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Thats amazing in itself isnt it? tunnels and underground excavations - Encyclopedia Britannica How is he making a nice buck? Here in Tasmania we still sometimes see the odd chemtrail but not as many as before. Available on Si parla anche di un tunnel che collega lItalia con lAmerica . It is kinda funny, but for why is heartbreaking. But do try to rise above the misgivings and into faith for a beautiful future. What If The New World Order Was the Beast of Revelations? No, you are correct. Its because the White Hats need the previous narrative to continue running while the rest of the plot works out. One conspiracy theory " going viral " is that extensive operations are taking place to rescue children held in secret underground locales beneath densely populated cities. Last time I commented here I should have wrote to Marilyn Williams that I hope this story is true because I started to believe in Donald Trump when Kim Clement said of him, Trump is a Trumpet. Im with you Dorothy! More underground Rome at the Vatican Necropolis While it's well-known that from St. Peter's Basilica you can access the crypt for free through a small door, many might ignore that yet down another layer of history there is an important necropolis. Vatican authorities denied permission to . Hello Roxanne! Thousands of bones discovered underground near Vatican cemetery - KUTV Thank you for your thoughts on what you believe is to happen. Pelosi, Schumer ha ha they still have a lot of power & they are using it daily. The Vatican has been digging a secret tunnel in Jerusalem in order to exhume King David's DNA and resurrect the Messiah, a rabbi has claimed. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Yes, the Jubilee of all Jubilees is coming. There are too many people relating their different stories, whether in the government or in the truth community. Who knows! Even though, people ask for real evidences, (i.e. My opinion, between September 7 and September 17, 2021, a Jubilee will happen. Amazing! People do grow up and mature. It might be a good idea to read the book Peace among the Willows that evaluates Francis Bacons book of 1626, The New Atlantis. Please notice its the love of money not the money itself, that is the root of all evil. Pres Trump was and is anointed by God. There are of-course, many wonderful believers in these churches. Though small in size, this place of worship was also used as a burial place for the Knights and is believed to have served as an important site for underground Templar initiation rituals over the centuries. Yes I agree with you how could anyone know exactly how much gold has been mined totally. My job is simply to cause people to research. Those who wish to be on his Insiders Club pay 11 euro per month and he has publicly stated that if there is any money over, he will give it to his son. Mask wearers that dumb them down to be unable to think critically. And here we are right in the middle of what is symbolically written in Revelations, Joel, Ezekiel, Daniel etc. But as the publics distrust for their secrecy increased, King Philip IV of France seized his opportunity to settle his own debts and destroy them. WWG1WGA. Underground tunnels found at Templar's 'Vatican' stronghold August/Sept/Oct have all been slated as HUGE months and from everything we are seeing, that is truly the case. Thanks for your comment Dorothy! Do not believe in reincarnation!!!!!. etc. It is more accurately translated to mean 'personal' or 'private'. The downtrodden are important. For this reason there is the hypothesis that there are tunnels to America. The tunnels that feed in from Blackstone are 8 feet wide and 8 feet tall throughout most of the system, and their walls are lined with pipes that carry steam out of the plant and water back into the plant. The masses were still asleep and there would have been far more mayhem had he denied it.,,,, How they connect wicked secret underground cities,,,, The Templar Tunnel is an underground passageway located in the city of Acre, in what is now Israel. vatican underground tunnels Now using scripture to intrepret scripture if a long time was 3 1/2 yrs, who would think Johns shortly would be 2000 yrs later. And dont forget, so also those Money Changers in the Temple that YAHUSHA whipped and drew out they are the bankers of today. Thank you Ken! Rough estimate, but thats what people should hope and wait for. The walled, pint-sized city-state known as the Vatican physically takes up around 100 acres in the center of Rome, but occupies a measureless space in the lives of more than a billion practicing Catholics around the globe. It was very interesting to note the tunnels connecting the Vatican to Jerusalem, including the stolen Hebrew books and the gold. Also, please remember he has to be very clever in what he says., Thank you so much Bonnie! The amount found under the Vatican is so huge that it blows the mind. In World War II, the tunnels were transformed once again as they were used as bomb shelters. People need to wake up and stop fighting each other lets just join together to fight the real enemy. Understand how the water flows underground and talk about the aqueducts with their original hydraulic mechanism. Truth is a hard nut to crack but that is life. watch all 35 episodes of the Fall of the Cabal on Rubble and Bitchute, or on their website. Bcoz I believe that there in the Mediterranean sea is a mega volcano that will erupt from which the beast will arise and will embody the Anti-messiah or Antichrist who is being cloned from the body of Nimrod in the lab under the mountains of Colorado, Ever wondered what was the reason for the Iraq war? With two videos for me. The ancient Roman basilica was discovered by accident under a train station. The main tracks of the Ferrovia Vaticana, or Vatican Railway, are just 300 metres long and were built under the reign of Pope Pius XI. Hi Tom! Il livello del mare Adriatico nella parte nord (dove abitavo) calato di circa 20 centimetri. Gradually the tunnels from all around the world are being dealt with, one after another and being made unusable in the future. That is evil One World Government. He recently found out the who some of them were got their address, phone number and the lot! If you think for one minute the government has not had us enslaved for decades, then you really are nuts!! We had a strange earthquake exactly at this place, at Mai 1st 2020. It may be easier for you to find the right one from this link It belongs to Americans,its our tax money that Corporate America has been stealing from us. Dig into your own research and see for yourself. Thank you for your thoughts. Much appreciated. No, it belongs to the entire world, plundered for thousands of years. . To this point in time Ive been fine. Bitchute description of the video:"Generations of kids are being rescued from D.U.M.B.s (Underground Tunnels) found under the White House and Capitol Building. There will be false flags everywhere. We believe because of the research we do, not because we simply heard someone say it. You cannot tell the people,you must show the people.We would not believe all the evil that is actually below us. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. Who knows, maybe Im wrong but I dont believe it. Apart from one or two health things which he has promoted on his site, he doesnt charge any money. Last I knew they found Covid in the air. Its coming! Basilica of San Clemente. Live in what we have been given , and heed the warning in Revelation 22:18 21. Fantastic Research many thanks regards Tony Tyrrell, Quando i dumbs che sono sotto il mare vengono fatti saltare si riempiono di acqua. I dont know if hes controlled opposition or not. . I just discovered your site. Normaly everyboday here is orthodox. That was the first vax Hoax for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ J. Hi J I just saw your comment come in and wanted to address it immediately. Hi Mesake, MonkeyworksYou Tube. The labyrinth of subterranean passageways, rooms and cages from which gladiators and . This info aligns with what Mark Taylor (prophet) has written in one of his prophecies. He is able to protect what is His. There are even assertions that one of these tunnels leads to an active base beneath the Vatican which has been exerting control over western civilization for centuries. No chance for arguments. Nesara/Gesara is real, this is the year of Jubilee! Our world is in a complete mess, worse than any of us had any idea about. I cant do more than that. A level playing field. It still boggles the mind to imagine how they could keep so much stored away, when just a little of it could relief so much suffering. By the time I hit the groundi had Hashimotos disease. The Bible was put together over time. Im just reporting what was relayed to Charlie Ward as to the findings under the Vatican. Davos, UN for example. How to Understand Symbolism in Revelations, How They Connect Wicked Secret Underground Cities. Thanks again Patty! They show all of our planes in flight. I have added a link to my post How they connect wicked secret underground cities because of your question. Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; He has made this quite clear in many of his videos. Hi Mitko! in 2003, it may be headed there again. Will will not be in the Great Reset. Who is Dane? I try to keep under the radar as much as possible as there are many headings I would prefer to use but choose not to. Thank you Jorge! The Marines found about 100,000 bodies in this area! Im not sure what 13 levels high actually means, but whatever, it was a lot. We are moving into a different world, only made possible by the complete removal of the evil Cabal who have been busy robbing us blind in every possible way. Look closely and youll see. The Apocrypha books are important ! Tours of Western Wall tunnels show new underground area in Jerusalem - CNBC By the way, Great comments by Dennis Richardson! Not the web of lies created by satans spidermen fact checking us and telling us that we are incorrect for believing in truth and not believing the lies that they spin. The journey down in the lift lasts barely a minute, but is the closest thing on Earth to travelling into another dimension. All vaccine are a hoax meant to slowly destroy the Creators perfect immune system. But there are lots of signs we can see and we do know that the White House is being used for tribunals a strange state of affairs when B/iden is supposed to be living there. the weight of gold is 1206 lbs per cubic foot. Is anyone supposed to be stupid enough to believe these imaginary stories? tunnels and underground excavations, horizontal underground passageway produced by excavation or occasionally by nature's action in dissolving a soluble rock, such as limestone. Vatican Scavi Tour 2023 Dome & Underground Vatican Tour Hi Stacy, 4) Capuchin Crypt How wonderful it is to receive news from someone who has actually been there! I have shared it on FB just as it is. However, as for all the Hebrew books, and the sacred Temple items are in the Vatican. It is very hard trying to bring truth to people when the source of what is going on is not direct or always clear. Low vibrational energy is given to strife, depression, war, anger, etc. I am convinced also that our God can and does protect everything for us. We live in a time and in a world where it appears people like Pelosi/Biden/Johnson/Morrison and countless others are still running our countries but on careful examination we can see they are not who they at first appear to be! Thanks for sharing and looking forward for more posts like this. . God has directed my path to TRUTH and steered me away from false teachings/teachers. This is exactly what I believe its all about the scriptures coming to pass right before our very eyes! We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The Passetto runs a total of 2600 feet along the Old Vatican wall and links the Vatican Palace to the Castel Sant'Angelo. You copy the URL at the top of the page. 6 Sept. a huge tunnel in the Philippines was destroyed - accompanied by an earthquake. The important thing is that we live each day for the Lord and pray always to remain in His will. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. They scanned the fortress footprint and recreated the Templar HQ with impressive 3D models. Knights Templar unmasked: Underground tunnels found at society's 'Vatican' stronghold THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR had a stronghold in Portugal, dubbed the "Vatican" of the secret society - and. Church Hill Tunnel is an old Chesapeake and Ohio Railway (C&O) tunnel, built in the early 1870s, which extends approximately 4,000 feet (1,219.2 meters) under the Church Hill district of Richmond, Virginia, United States.On October 2, 1925, the tunnel collapsed on a work train, killing four men and trapping a steam locomotive and ten flat cars.Rescue efforts only resulted in further collapse . Veterans. There are other places that they foun. Hi jb, VATICAN CITY (AP) A genetics expert retained by the family of a girl who went missing in 1983 said Saturday that a cavernous underground space near a Vatican cemetery holds thousands of bones . Its an exciting ride as the Cabal are being exposed and truth is coming forth. This is where the Papal Tombs are located and where you can see the publicly accessible version of St. Peter's Tomb, located under the altar and above the original tomb. We just need to buckle up our seat belts. The Underground Tunnel with Angled Entry Panels is great for children to adventure through. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I have added it into the post. Fancy leaving it there! A vertical opening is usually called a shaft. And certainly it would be a place where the Templars would perform not only funeral rituals but also initiation rituals.. I really appreciate your words of encouragement, and for helping to bring comprehension to others. All those who became rich through Babylon the Great that is, all those who sold their souls for the sake of fame and fortune, are all being dealt with and will be no more. Charlie was involved in organising the removal, not physically doing it himself. Translation: It is confusing and not easy to believe, although I am not interested in the gold, that you can not eat either, because I think if someone is hungry he needs a piece of bread and a sip of clean water that should be there for everyone in the world. The only other person, no two persons, I know online who have been in them is Charlie Ward and Gene Decode. Tutti a 10 km di profondit The only thing Ive seen is the flashes at the White House & I was awake at 3 in the morning to see all the busses at the Capital, all the military in and out of the Capital & White House that one night in January of 2021. Thank you for alerting us to those prophecies. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. I went in as a civilian national intel officer in Jun 2003. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Regarding the biblical findings, I think that the God that hung the stars and moons, separated darkness from light, and created every needful and beautiful thing , can keep all the books we need, in His care. What I see is exactly what your replies are, we are on the same page, the page of truth. I heard from several sources. Is the Vatican underground? The Nat Geo group's work revealed not just tunnels, but also a guard house hidden beneath the modern city. Read up on bio labs across the world, WMD found on Evergreen. GITMO is another NOTHING BURGER. I am not understanding the new end time change from what I was taught, rapture, marriage supper, christian judgment from our book of life after we are resurected and in Heaven. More On: For the first time in history, the bowels of Rome's Colosseum are now open for public viewing. One kilo bars of gold are the size of smartphones. It took me a long time to grasp hold of what they are referring to because I dont see that kind of thing in the Bible. Thanks for your response. 85 million people died from WWII and GOD took 6 yrs to stop that ! He said: If the Templars had any secret treasure, it remains secret, but I see no special reason why they did have any. Its like when a good spirited person enters the room the others tend to become happy as welk.. During this period they found the underground tunnels, the gold and the scrolls/books etc. These cookies do not store any personal information. I never heard of such a thing. Under the Clinton Foundation in Manhattan, they found 2.5-mile-long tunnels going the piers to unload and load the children. I am quite confident that one after another, all these things will be stopped which is great news dont you think? Vatican digs illegal tunnel to 'exhume King David's DNA and bring Ive seen things you would not believe. Hes never said a single thing that wasnt already reported but he acts like like he already knew everything. What Lies Beneath: Tunnels for Trafficking, Or Just a Subterranean The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. On Sun. Pais came down through one of the castles tunnels and got out right here.. You need to go to alternative sources not the msm as they will tell you nothing. Hi Dennis! Iran has shown off what it claims are underground tunnels used for air defense systems. Crowns we earned to put at Jesus feet. The work goes on! Secret Tunnels Beneath Israeli City May Hold Treasure Of Knights Templar Thank you for your comment. Do you know what loosh is? We live in a time where we need eyes in the back of our heads at all times. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherited the Earth Thanks for your comment. He told BBC Reel: We can say that when it comes to symbolic meaning, we are in the important place for the Templars in Portugal. We are about to learn so much, I think its going to be mind-blowing. Id like to think its true our world needs it. During that time he got himself involved in things that he is not proud of these days, but not a lot different to a lot of young fellows. Some of the routes were closed up, but other tunnels can still be found in the forest that surrounds Tomars fortress. But as you say, the Jubilee is coming and I believe is almost upon us. The message of Revelation? Thank you, I saw that as an oversight. Thank you for sharing your misgivings etc, because there will be many who will relate to it. and will remain this way. Eye opening. To me, NESARA is a dream, not a reality.

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vatican underground tunnels
